Polls show that a large percentage of Israeli citizens have lost faith in the future of their nation Major General (Reserve) in the Israeli Army, and former...
China has voiced “deep concern” over escalating tensions in the Middle East after Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles in an unprecedented...
The decision to reroute flights travelling through the Middle East comes as Iran’s attack on Israel prompts concern over potential regional escalation. Flights...
Frankfurt, Paris (14/4 – 40) Relations between Russia and NATO have reached boiling point due the recent event: the claim that Serbia and Russia want to...
The Indonesian economy will likely slow down if the Middle East conflict worsens following Iran’s retaliatory strike on Israel, according to experts. ...
Sri Lanka has told hundreds of thousands of Russians and some Ukrainians staying in the country to escape the war that they must leave in the...
All men in Russia are required to do a year-long military service, or equivalent training during higher education, from the age of 18. Russian President...
Russia’s war machine has shown remarkable stamina despite the hundreds of thousands of troops it is estimated to have lost in Ukraine. But under the hood...
The U.S. military should reassess its force posture in Europe and reduce its reliance on revolving door-style unit rotations, a major think tank’s analysts...
SINGAPORE – The Chinese embassy in Singapore on March 18 asked its citizens in the Republic to “stay away” from gambling, adding that cross-border gambling...